Why Socializing Is Healthy

by Apr 9, 2021Social Health

Todays Writers World Socializing

Sometimes it’s easier to stay home than to socialize, especially during virus season. But according to the Harvard School of Public Health

Those who engage in social activity tend to eat healthier and engage in physical activity which leads to living longer according to a study done by the University of Cambridge in the UK.

Some of us fear going out in crowds. We don’t know who has been vaccinated or who is carrying a virus. We are understandably concerned. However, becoming a hermit in our homes and relying on our smart phones, TV’s, Zoom, Face Time, et. al. to provide social engagement is not a healthy solution.

Two of the benefits cited by the Cambridge study are: shorter hospital stays and decreased cardiovascular disease.

A more recent study conducted by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill demonstrated engaging with others decreases inflamation due to the physical activity associated with meeting and can help with warding off diabetes.


Socializing keeps us active.

We get up. We walk. We converse. We share.

So how can we be socially active and yet remain socially distant?

Here are some ideas:

1. Go for a walk with a friend. It’s easy to social distance while walking in the woods, in the neighboorhood, or along the beach.

The benefit is not only the physical activity and conversation with a friend, but also seeing others who are active outdoors. All can be done safely with social distancing.

Todays Writers World Healthy Socializing

2. Make a meal for a friend in need and deliver it to their porch. You’ll want to call them first for dietary needs and to prevent animals from stealing the food. 😉

Benefits. Some of our friends aren’t able to leave their home due to health reasons. However, some can at least come to the door and talk through a window. A personal encounter is so uplifting. Is there someone you know who could use a 3-D personal contact, even standing on the other side of a window or glass door?


Todays Writers World Healthy Socializing

3. Hubby and I rented a town home for a while. We lived in the second unit in a row of five homes. The neighbors in units three-five sat outside every night. They set their chairs by their respective stoops and chatted until temperatures or the dark sky drove them inside. Every evening after dinner, they laughed, told stories (a few were clearly Paul Bunyon versions) and had the best time while social distancing before that became a common term. No TV. Lots of social engaging.

Benefits While watching programming on whatever venue you have is entertaining, the situations are simply not the same as a conversation you could have with a neighbor. Also, the fun stories, even if exaggerated, serve as a greater healing balm (laughter is a good medicine) than hours of negative news reporting. Or — instead of watching another sports program, sink some baskets, go fishing, watch a sunset, knit on your porch, and talk to a neighbor, etc.

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Stay Healthy



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