How To Squeeze Time into A Box

by Apr 9, 2021Time Management

Todays Writers World How to squeeze Time

If only there was more time in the day, I could…. Easy to finish the sentence, right? Here are some time management tips that just might help you.

How did we get ourselves committed to so many things? There isn’t one…not one that we could give up.

But we’re tired. And could really use a break.

Today I’m going to show you how to use boxes (figuratively) to organize your time and find empty space for you to sit back and breathe.

  • Consider your first box: the essential task of eating. Cooking takes time. Planning the menu, cooking, setting the table, cleaning up. In our first box, we have a chef’s hat. This hat is a one-size fits all. Share the family chef hat. At first, you may have to invest some time teaching your children how to make basic meals (a life skill that will come in very handy for them later). And, yes, the meal won’t be gourmet, but the investment will nurture little ones, AND give you a few free minutes.

If you live by yourself, consider sharing the chef’s hat with a neighbor. My sister has Tuesday Taco night, courtesy of her neighbor. She then provides a meal on a different night.


Todays Writers World Share the chef hat
    • For the second box, combinations and consolidation. Combine errands into one block. Assign a day for errands. If an errand hits your radar on a different day, write it down and wait. As much as we disliked it, we learned some errands could wait during the Covid quarantine time. Ask yourself, can this errand wait until errand day. Once you write the task on the errand list, the nagging feeling to do it right now will stop.

    Consolidate activities. I love when my daughter calls. She makes me laugh and tells me about her day. I put the phone on speaker and fold laundry or make dinner while talking with her. Are there activities you could combine to make some time space?


    Todays Writers World Sorting Tasks
    • The best plan is to know yourself. Some projects require creativity. Writing, planning menus, redesigning the kid’s toy space, etc. When are you the most creative? In the morning, afternoon, evening? If these activities can wait until your ideal creative time, you’ll find less time is spent on the task, giving you more available time.
    • When do you feel the most energized, morning, afternoon, evening? This is the ideal time for physical activities. Daily exercise, hauling laundry, gardening, etc.
    • When is your mind sharpest for mind boggling activities? This is the time to do the bills, call to make family appointments, marketing your writing, etc.

    Order your task boxes to match your personality. 

    Morning     Afternoon    Evening

     Physical      Creative        Detailed

    Here is the benefit:

    I am a morning person. Pile the detailed work on, I’ll get it done before you’re awake.

    I love the afternoon sun. I’m ready to get moving. Physical exercise, laundry, watch me crank it out.

    When evening hits, the creative juices that have been gathering all day flow. I sit at my lap top, as I am right now, and crank out the words. Poof-1K done! Oh, yeah!


    Matching tasks with my personality

    gets the job done faster. 

    Then, voila! I have extra time at the end of the day!!


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